The Quietly Working Motto
Work Hard | Enjoy Life | Help OthersDonate or Join our $1 Challenge
The Quietly Working Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent of the law.
Our Federal Tax ID 20-5149597
Donations of any amount are appreciated. Thank you for supporting our efforts!
Credit card receipts vary, but you should see The Quietly Working Foundation, or Thank You for Your Donation on your statement. Please call/text/email us if you have any questions.
Our challenge to make a dent in homelessness, foster care, or any other underserved youth demographic is MASSIVE!
And sometimes, when a challenge looms this large, it's challenging to take that first step.
This is exactly why we created the $1 Challenge.
Just start with $1 a month and we'll begin sending you information about the issues we face. Maybe something specific will jump out at you and then you can do more, or we'll ask for volunteers and you'll get more involved that way.
No matter what happens, you will have done something. You will have become part of the solution, joined the Quietly Working Family, and punched fear right in the face as together we declare War on Hopelessness!
Thank you! <3

Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Heading
Our plans for the future...
1996 – To the Greatest Clients in the Galaxy
As we have always said…
“If you are a Quietly Working customer, you are the most important person in our business. You are not dependent upon us, we are dependent on you. You are not an interruption of our work, you are the purpose for it. You do us a favor when you use us, we are not doing you a favor by serving you. You come to us with your needs, it is our job to fulfill them. You pay our salaries…without you we would have to close our doors. You deserve the most courteous attention we can give and it is our honor to make your dreams come true.”
If it were not for our most awesome customers, we would not have had the opportunity to be living our dreams today of serving the youth of the world.

2000 – The Quietly Working Foundation is born
In the year 2000, business was boom’n and we knew it was time to use our powers for good. We started The Quietly Working Foundation, serving our smallest national recourses. Little did we know, our lives would never be the same. Since those first days, we have impacted millions of lives and can’t wait to see what adventures tomorrow holds.
2012 – America’s Children of Fallen Heroes
In 2012, we began the process of rebranding Children of Fallen Soldiers to America’s Children of Fallen Heroes, so we could include fallen Firefighters and Law Enforcement under our umbrella of services.
March 25th, 2013 – Chaplain TIG Dies
On March 25th, 2013, Chaplain TIG died during a procedure when a laser burnt through his heart. He was gone for a little under 7 minutes before an extraordinary combat Marine cut in, plugged the hole with his finger, and eventually brought him back. This isn’t the place to go into detail, but you can read more here.
This experience was pivotal in the development of and the inspiration for our War on Hopelessness effort and Dare to Dream tour.
April 5th, 2013 – Matthew Warren’s Death Inspires War on Hopelessness
Proof that things of beauty can come from life’s most tragic pains.
On April 5th, 2013 we lost the dear Matthew Warren to suicide after his long battle with mental illness and depression. Chaplain TIG was recovering from his experience when he was told about Matthew and it did something. As he explains it,
“I believe God put a holy anger against hopelessness in me that day. At that moment, I knew why I was brought back to life and how I would be spending the remainder of my days. I declared War on Hopelessness and started building an army.”

April, 2013 – We Declare War on Hopelessness
We have declared war on hopelessness and we are daring all youth (27 & younger) to dream. We dare them to expect great things from themselves and to recognize, build, live, and create legacies from their dreams.
September 14th, 2013 – 1st Dare to Dream Event
With the help of Big Air Events, we tested our first Dare to Dream event on September 14th, 2013 and it was a fabulous success.

2014 – Launched the On Behalf of a Grateful Nation Tour
Wheels up! We are hard at work collecting messages of encouragement for the kids who have lost a hero parent.
If you haven’t written yours yet, do it today.
2017 – Publishing Vol. 1 of On Behalf of a Grateful Nation
Get you EOAs in before 2017 ends, because that’s when we begin publishing volume 1 of the “On Behalf of a Grateful Nation” series. We want our kids to be absolutely overwhelmed by the love and support this world has to offer them and is expressed page by page.
Answers to common questions can be found on
What is an Expression of Appreciation (EOA)?
What happens to my EOA after I submit it?
What is a VIP EOA?
Can anyone submit one?
How can I help collect EOAs?

2023 – Launch of The International Youth Services Registry (IYSR)
2018 is our targeted launch for the IYSR. We have had the honor of working with a multitude of brilliant youth service organizations (YSOs) and an extremely common need for support has called us to action.

2024 – Launch of The Missing Pixel Project (
2024 is our targeted launch for The Missing Pixel Project. Our goal is to bring technical artistry, paired with mentorship, to underserved youth, creating opportunities for generational-changing careers.